How can author's steal from marketing guru's?
If you're an #indieauthor like me, you probably have done what I've done. Signed up for dozens of #ebooks or pdf's from internet marketing wizards who promise to give you the secret of success for the price of an email. This puts you in their marketing funnel, which gives them the chance to sell to you in a series of emails. Does it work? Absolutely. If it didn't work, a lot of people wouldn't take up the mantle of direct marketing. Will it work for #writers who want to promote their books? I think the answer is yes, even though I haven't signed up for a course yet. Why? Because direct marketing by it's definition should work for an author in search of an audience. You may know it by the commandment: Write for a niche. As an author, you should know your niche, and if you don't, the first thing you need to do is define it. I work in multiple genres, but I can categorize my fiction as such: Thriller, Spy Thriller, Zombie Thr...