How to Make an Extra $1000 per Month in Free Publicity!

How to get a lot of exposure for your book how to make your name the one people talk about
What would happen if you were ten times more famous than you are right now?
Ten times more money, ten times more people hearing your message, more distribution, ten times more speaking engagements creating an exponential snowball.
Ten times more visitors to your website, ten times more money coming in.
So how do you play the publicity game?
How do you approach the people who can put you on their shows?
What is your publicity hook? You need a hook to attract attention. Imagine this: you're flipping around the television, and you hear something that catches your attention: Learn how to be an automatic millionaire. Is spanking child abuse?
That's a hook. It hooks you.
Think about a news report. They say Coming UP:
and you tune in to hear what they have to say.
So you have to create a hook about your book.
Write your book with the idea of publicity in mind. What's the hook.
Example: The doctor said I would never walk again. My mother said I would. I believed my mother.
6 time gold medalist Olympic runner
When you write your book, ask questions and then answer them. Keep your chapters short (3-5) pages. Ask a question:
Do you want x?
Then answer how to get x.
Make sure each chapter has a hook. That's what creates a publicity best seller.
Why do you need publicity?
Think of it like this: Take the ad rate (what the show would charge for a commercial) then, multiply by 10. That's the value of publicity.
When you're on a show, it implies credibility, which leads to more sales.
If you saw an ad in the paper, would you buy a book titled
Well, maybe if you're a compulsive gambler-
Wait, someone did write this book. George Popadopalas, a 78 year old retired guy who played blackjack in his spare time. He sat down, wrote a 24 page book stapled together. It's a stretch to call this a book.
However, it didn't sell. No one believed his hook.
Until he got some publicity. He got on a radio call in show and used a personal hook.
"I win at Blackjack 78% of the time." was his claim. Now he was a character, the kind of guest that talk shows and radio hosts wanted back, and he would give out his web address and 800 # for orders.
Once he started talking to people, orders went up to over 6 figures per year.
Now think timely. It's all in the hook.
Right around the time the Enron scandal occurred, he changed his hook to:
Do you have a hook that is current?
That new hook got him on Fox News for 7 minutes. Those 7 minutes made him $80K in book sales and got him booked on Howard Stern.
He went on Howard Stern for an interview; he cracked up Stern, and plugged him for 23 minutes. Off that interview, he sold $63K in one week.
George estimates that those two interviews generated over $1M in sales.
What happened is, he got on the air and people got to know him, and trust him.
You can do that too.
It's the way you approach the media that determines your success. Do not approach the media with a pitch about buying your book. They are not going to buy your book.
You need to approach the media with a story! Something with a hook that they can share with their viewers. That will get you on, and then you tell a story to the audience with a HOOK!
The audience will go buy your book in droves if you have a good hook.
Ask a question. That's the hook.
What's your hook?
Think about the basic human emotions and how you can satisfy those emotions.
Think about your back end products that you're going to use your book to sell. What need do they satisfy?
If CNN were to do a one hour special on your topic, would you be interviewed?
That's the question you need to ask yourself; if you can answer yes, then you are presenting yourself as the expert to your readers.
How can you help your readers?
How can you help the radio stations want to interview you?
How can you help television stations want to interview you?
You give them a hook.
How do you find a hook?
Ask a question.
The hook will create a snowball effect; if you create a great hook, you will get interviewed. If you are a good interview, you will get more customers.
If you get more customers, you will make more money.
You have to speak the media's language. It's not only a matter of having a good hook; you have to be able to convey that hook to the media, so they will help you sell your book.
Once you get on your appearance, you have to leverage your appearance into more dollars. Mention every interview on your website, it will convert to more sales.
What can you do to be entertaining?
Can you design a quiz that gets the audience involved.
The winner gets a free copy of the book (or the whole audience (ELLEN and OPRAH are good at give aways)
Define the problem you solve.
Do you need to stand out from all of the other people who are trying to solve the same problem?
Flip your hook on it's head.
A lady wrote a book about how to love your job. But it wasn't unique enough, so she flipped the hook.
That hook make her a millionaire.
Radio wants to know how you sound.
Will the host enjoy talking to you?
Do you have good energy?
Will you be entertaining?
Television goes for the visual.
Will you be fun?
Will you be engaging?
Will you be quick and to the point?
Will you create controversy and a talk point?
If you want to get publicity: set it up so that someone is watching the news at 2 am, send an e-mail with a story idea on how you can help with breaking news.
This means being topical. This means having a publicity hook in your book (your chapters) so that when something happens in the news, you can get on a segment, you can get picked up for an interview and be the first person the media and subsequently, your audience thinks of in regards to your topic.
The Media Game is a little scary, but you can play it!
Capitalize on your opportunities! Write your marketing plan down in a simple step by step formula.
Pick ten radio stations and get interviewed.
Pick ten television stations and get interviewed.
Pick ten groups and speak to those groups.
Make at least one (or ALL!) of your interviews outstanding with the goal of being a repeat guest!
Mention each interview on your website, keep copies of the mp3 to give away, links to Youtube to show the interview.
Now, target ten bigger shows, radio and television, and send in your hook. Tie it in to a current event.
Repeat. Be interesting. Be engaging. Be a GREAT GUEST!
Keep to the point. Keep to your hook. Tell a great funny story. Have fun with the hosts. They will like you, they will want you back, and you will sell more based on that.
If you interview at a local station that's owned by a big media company, like CLEARCHANNEL, then ask the program manager to make a call for you to get into a different market.
You need the right hook
You need the right copy
and it can impact you in a powerful way.
You do not need to spend $5000 per month with a PR company. You can find people to help you be more successful. You need to build a team to help you reach your goals.
Hire an intern.
How do you MAXIMIZE SALES from your publicity?
When you have a great spot (on tv or radio or news media) put it on your website (credibility) and in your resource section.
When you have a magazine article about your book, clip it, take it to a printer and have it printed up as a mailer with your press release.
Work your CHYRON (when you're on a tv show, it's under your image) into a website that generates traffic and sales.
When you use publicity, don't forget to build your list at your website. Before you make any sales, make sure you capture their e-mail address so you can stay in touch with them on a regular basis.
That's how you turn a customer into a relationship. Customers will give you a sale. Relationships will make you rich!
Controlled exposure will give you Free Publicity to help you generate more business.
You can do FREE teleseminars to give information to your customers (or new customers) and do the interview, and pitch without interruption.
You can do FREE Webinars to do the same thing.
You can joint venture with someone who has a following, someone who has a list, and have them recommend you to their list.
Write some articles for websites and e-zines, and in exchange they will send traffic back to your site. is a great way to get your message out there and generate a following.
Red means passion.
Do not wear gray, it means you have no opinion.
Yellow means happy.
Black is the color of protection and mystery.
Blue is color of calm.
Don't overshadow the host. But be memorable. Be sexy, but conservative. And dress for your audience. If you're going to be interviewed on FOX BUSINESS, you need to be presented as conservative. By that same token, if you're on a local morning show, and cooking in the kitchen, wear warm colors but be casual.
Follow the FAME plan.
Focused planning.
A lot more exposure.
Models that work.
Exposure. Exposure. Exposure.


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