5000 word tip for your 50,000 word novel
5000 word tip for your 50,000 word novel As far as writing your first novel goes, a lot of people are concerned about length. Let's admit it's mostly men. A lot of men are very obsessed with length. Maybe it's a competitive holdover from caveman days when Grog would glance over to Og and grunt, "My novel is bigger than yours." Ugh. So let's get it straight. Length does not matter in indie publishing. It's all about the story man. Be fun, be fast and be interesting. That's the way to get it done. Make your first page a page turner, build little story arc's into each chapter, add some cliffhanger situations so folks will want to keep reading and you've hit upon the golden formula. Oh yeah, your hero needs to be redeemed, and learn something and be kinda likable, and your bad guy needs to have more than one dimension. Unless your bad guy is the kind of villain where only one dimension is needed. Pinky and the Brain o...