Can anyone be creative?

We can't all be creative, can we?

I had someone ask me that question the other day. 

It was in their defense of not participating in an entire story I created in voices, dialogue and back and forth with myself playing both parts of the conversation.

This is something I've had lots of practice with. 

Usually when I get into an argument with the voices in my head, I win.

But can we all be creative?

Maybe not with words, but the answer is yes. 

All of us. 

All of the time in every way.  I could make a laundry list of items where folks are plenty more creative than me.


Unless it's paint by numbers, I'm always going to struggle.


I can write song lyrics that would make most lyricists weep in shame and horror, but I can only play two chords on the guitar. 


This, by the way, is one of my long term to do's that I keep putting off. 


I'm afraid of being bad at the guitar. 

Or of investing the time to learn. More on this later.

Carving wood.
Canning jelly.
Growing a garden.
Decorating of any kind.

I could list out a hundred more items people are more creative at than I, yet here's where I want to stop.

Because the fact that some of us are creative in ways that others are not is an amazing opportunity for self expression.

I consider long distance running a creative endeavor. 

When the wheels start to come off, it's the mind's job to find a creative solution.

Working out day after day until the routine becomes a habit and the habit becomes a lifestyle is a creative action.

Writing a blog post. 

Writing a short story. 

Thinking of ways to entertain young children, or puppies.

Finding a balance between work and family life. 

Or starting a new business.

Or injecting some awesome into an existing business.

What are you doing to be creative today?

What would you like to do?

Join me onPatreon and let’s do it together.


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