How big are your goals and dreams?

I woke up with the urge to pontificate a little today. I've been chasing a MOONSHOT goal for the past year and I've learned a few things I'd like to share.

Don't Wait to Chase your dreams.

Know the Outcome first or start with the end in Mind.  If you know exactly what you want to accomplish, and focus on reaching that milestone, the clarity will help you reach the goal faster.

I recommend writing down specifically what you want.  Be clear and precise.

Then take massive action to get to it.  Massive action doesn't mean do it all in one day.  That will overwhelm your system.  Aim for a 1% improvement each day.  That's the key to a successful moonshot.  Just 1% each day will build the momentum to the massive action you need to reach the goal.

But what if your actions don't work?  Adjust.  We've all heard the saying "What's the definition of crazy?  Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  If what you are doing is NOT working, is NOT helping you reach your goal, then stop.  Do something different.

There is no excuse today for not living a life designed for you.

The internet is an amazing tool and almost every now has a phone with more access to information and knowledge in an instant than the giants of learning had in their entire lifetime.

No matter what your dream, you can take action to make it happen.

Want to play guitar?  Memorize four chords and practice until you know them and can play them.  Those same four chords will let play hundreds of pop and classic songs.

Want to speak another language?  Print out the 200 most common words in that language and memorize them.  Add in the "pronouns" and in less time than it takes to memorize a song, you can speak in another language.

Want to quit your job that you hate?  Start a part time business on the side.

Want to write a book?  Block off an hour each day and write the darn thing.  You'll be done in two months if you write 1,000 words a day.  (just a little longer than the length of this post)
Or partner with someone who has a publishing company and ask if they can help you.

How about buy a new house?  Make more money?  Drive a new car?  Those are outcomes.  Write them down, then write the steps you need to take to reach that goal, and work toward it every day.

Run a marathon or ultramarathon?  Travel to Bora Bora?  Be in the best relationship with someone who loves you?  Raise amazing children who want to save the world?  Be a better friend? 

I could go on and on listing out hundreds of big and small goals, but I'd be pulling from my list.  What's on your list?  What's your desired outcome?

Start today.  Take a notebook and turn to the first page.  Write down the goal.  Now list the name of one person who is where you want to be, and write their name down.  Call them or text.  Ask them, "Hey so and so, I set a new goal today to do X.  You are there and so I wanted to get some advice."

Trust me.  It's gonna be tough.  Like learning to ride a bike tough.  But if you gave up the first time you fell on a bike, you'd never learn.  Or how about walking?  What if your parent said to you the first time you tottered up and tripped, "Don't do that honey.  It's dangerous.  You'll hurt yourself.  Maybe you shouldn't be a walker." 

They don't say that.  They pick you up, kiss the boo boo and make you walk again, until most of us are good at it.  Some of us have a goal to walk really really fast from Los Angeles to New York in the next couple of years. 

No matter how big your goal, you can take action today, right now to pursue it.  Don't stop.  Don't listen to anyone who tells you to stop.  And ignore all the rules that say you can't do it, or it shouldn't be done that way.  Because maybe it can.  It just hasn't been done yet.

What's your goal?

Join me on Patreon and let's chase it together. 


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