How long does it take to become number one

It doesn’t cost much to be number one.

Not in money at least.

And when folks say blood, sweat and tears are the only way to get what you want, maybe they mean on a date?

You have to pay extra for that in Germany.

It takes time.

Time to write something people will like, and time to find the people who like what you write.

I’m the first to admit, I’m not for everybody.

That’s okay though- not everybody is for me.

Think about going into a bookstore, or any store for that matter, cause it can apply to food just as well as books.

M&M’s are my favorite candy.  Peanut M&M’s to be specific. I consider it one of the world’s perfect foods, right up there with Little Debbie Swiss Miss Rolls and pre-1982 Coca Cola.

I don’t buy much of it anymore, because, health. But when I do go to the candy aisle or the soda aisle or the bookstore, the shelves are packed with choices.

I choose what I like. Sometimes I venture out and try something new, or another flavor I’m in the mood to taste. (Hello Snickers! And Oatmeal Cakes)

I didn’t just automatically know what I liked though.

I had to taste it first.

That’s one of the things I like to do. Give folks a taste of the writing style.

It might not be to their liking.

I’ve had over fifty emails about the Battlefield Z series that all said something to the effect “I don’t read zombie books, but I loved this one.”

That’s because it’s not about zombies. I think you could replace them with invading aliens (INVASION EARTH) and it would be straight military sci fi.  Or with Trolls and it would be fantasy.

Which gives me an idea…

But I digress. The point is BZ is about a people.  Zombies just happen to be there.

I think that’s what I like doing. Connecting with people and giving them a little taste of something.

Call it the cook in me.

I make dinner every night, and treats on the weekends, and I can’t tell you how many times I get a “gross” face when it’s time to eat.

“What’s this?”

As if I’m going to give away all my secrets.

“It’s delicious, that’s what it is.”

And when they try it, whatever it might be, 9 times out of 10, they like it.

Food, not books.

I think I run more at 6 out of 10 on stories.

Never tell me the odds.

That’s better than half, so you’re saying there’s a chance.

I wrote a western and put it up. Some of you tried JUDGED BYTWELVE and liked it.

I wrote a short story called AS GOOD AS DEAD to get ready for the next book out soon.

It hit #1 in Western Short Stories.

Just giving folks a little taste.

It took me years to become a good cook.  Learning what works together. Reading about it. Experimenting with it.

It took me longer to become an okay writer. I’m not good, not yet.

But every single day I’m going to try to get better.

I’m going to read and write and practice. I’m going to mix, and swirl and whip the words together to see what tastes good.

I will not neigh neigh though.

Unless I’m cooking with whiskey, and then I’ll dance my little tooshie of.  I need a lot more practice to be good at that.

Grab your copy of AS GOOD AS DEAD today for a little taste.


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