How to prepare for the future now.

I'm a big "by your bootstraps" kind of guy.

I believe the harder you work, the more luck you have.

And my publishing company has multiple streams of income, so my revenue isn't impacted as much by variations in the public appetite. (when one goes down, I can work to bring another up)

And I don't consider myself a "socialist."

Except I like paved roads, and libraries, and public schools.

That's all "tax dollars" going into the public good.

What I don't really like is tax dollars going to corporations to enhance executive pay, to shore up their automation to impact workers and more.

We live in a world where corporate entities have been given tax dollars for decades. It's par for the course.

We don't call it socialism when we share money with big business, despite the multiple examples of tax funded golden parachutes.

Now we need tax dollars to go to the people.

And suddenly, all of you who are conservative scream "That's socialism!"

Not a peep about the roads you drive on, the schools where you send your children (or the tax vouchers you get to miseducate them in charter schools) nor a bellow about corporate handouts. (which happen on the daily.)

Don't think of stimulus checks as a handout- think of it as an investment in the future.

Or we might not have one.


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