What will happen next?

 Hey it’s Chris,

One week before the last week of summer.
So far, 2020 has been a bag of tricks.
Plague. Fires. Riots. A double hurricane.
I watched LOST IN SPACE on Netflix not so long ago and thought, man, what a cascade of complications.  (The first episode is a master study of building problem upon problem in a plot!)
Then 2020 happened and I thought, geez, who the hell is writing this year?!?
We still have four months to go and I’ve got 40 plans for you, but I’m starting to think about Christmas.
What’s happening between now and then?
What else can complicate the plot?
Rigged elections? Urban warfare on the streets? Genetic mosquitos released in the Everglades carrying tracking chips to modify our DNA?
The prepper bone in my body is quivering, thinking it’s time to refresh the stockpile of rice and beans and add a few more rounds to the old ammo dump.
But then I read about Amazon.
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, (and boy, do I love ‘em) they have an eye on the future.
Who would have thought a guy who started an online BOOKSTORE in his garage would be the world’s first person to break 200 Billion dollars.
He’s got America hooked on delivery and changed the retails space forever.  He changed delivery and consumer behavior and is adjusting expectation for how we want to be served.
All straight to our door with two day delivery and fast, with one thing in mind.
100% customer satisfaction.
The Zon is hopping into a 25 Billion dollar space for wearable fitness trackers.
They’re going to release a new one just in time for Christmas this year.
It tracks everything all the others track, includes Alexa and a few more features.
But if you think Jeff Bezos is just trying to dominate a fitness space… think bigger.
What if some of the companies under the Amazon umbrella started working in tandem.
You put on the tracker, it tracks your heart rate, notices you are trending to high blood pressure or low blood pressure (my case) and hooks you up with a teledoc.
He conducts an online assessment and your prescription is delivered through Amazon pill pack. (company)
All automated.
That’s just one way. My brother has asthma. It can do the same for him.
I don’t know how yet, but while the rest of 2020 devolves into a shite show, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are making big bets on our future.
Since they’re smarter than me, I’m going to bet with them too.
Which means even bigger plans for 2021.  More books in more series. More hope for a better future.
And a lot of time spent thinking of how I can make the world just a little bit better.
I hope you’re ready for some awesomeness.
No matter how much the world burns around us, if we keep our head amidst the chaos, we can make a difference.
Even if it’s just how we react to the madness.
Calm. Cool. Collected.
And with a plan.
Sometimes that plan might include just staying inside, letting the Zon bring supplies to your front door while you curl up with a cold beer and a good book.
Which as you know is one of the six ways to spend a perfect afternoon.
There may be more than six. I’ll keep looking.
I think I’m going to order up a big box of peace for the rest of 2020 and a giant package of well wishes delivered to your front door step.
It’s coming Prime, so all the good thoughts are practically there.
Take them. Use them. Be safe. Be well.
TIN TROOPER is free today.
Grab your copies if you haven’t and I’ll have more for you next week.


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