The Marshal of Magic - The Devil You Know "I need your help." I tried not to jump and failed miserably. At least I didn't let out a squeal of terror. More like a little squeak. Loud enough to elicit a snort. "Devil," I rolled my eyes. "Demon," he corrected. It's easy to carry on a conversation with a disembodied voice, but it can make one look crazy. I wasn't so worried about the crazy part. Long winded education and philosophical discussions with a ghost made many people stare and then look away. This time, even Elvis stared at me like I was taking a swim in the deep end of the insanity pool. Guess he couldn't hear the voice. "Tomato, potato," I waved a hand back and forth in the air. "From your perspective," the lecture started. I headed it off at the pass. "I'm mortal, my time is limited, yada, yada, yada. What do you want?" "Are you okay?" Beth, ...
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