How to use Pintrest to market your business


How to use Pintrest to market your business

Create plenty of images, even if they are very similar.

One tip that I learned from my experience is to create plenty of images, even if they are very similar. You want a lot of different content because the more images you have, the more people will see them and thus visit your website. If you don't have enough images, people won't see what your business has to offer and be able to make decisions about whether or not it's a good fit for them.

Add your website URL to all of your images

Here’s a quick way to increase the traffic that comes from Pinterest: add your website URL to all of your images. This will help you get more traffic, more customers and more sales, because it helps people find your site.

Here’s how it works in practice. You post an image on your pin board (we'll call this board "my great photos"). The image has a caption that reads “Check out my website!". When someone clicks on the image to see it larger or share it with friends, they see the caption “Check out my website!". If they click through from there, they land on a page which tells them about you and gives them some kind of call-to-action (CTA) such as “Buy now for only $50!"

Add alt tags to all of the images on your site.

When you're writing a blog post or creating a new page on your site, it's easy to forget to add alt tags to all of your images. They are, after all, just little pictures that hardly anyone will ever see.

When you publish an image without an alt tag in place, the image itself is displayed for search engine bots instead of any text on the page. Since search engines can't understand what's in an image like humans do (yet), they have no way of knowing what content is relevant and what isn't. This results in lower ranking positions for your website on Google and other search engines, as well as fewer people clicking through to visit your site from Pinterest or social media sites where photos were shared with captions that referenced the missing alt tags.

The best way around this problem? Always provide alternative text for every picture! Alt text provides contextual information about what's going on in an image without actually showing off any visual elements; by adding alt tags when uploading images onto social media platforms like Pinterest and Facebook (which require them), you give users who can't see images—whether because they're visually impaired or using mobile devices—the opportunity to still access important information from those posts even if their screen relies solely upon audio cues rather than visual ones...

Make sure you have a clear call to action in your graphics that directs users to take the next step.

Make sure you have a clear call to action in your graphics that directs users to take the next step.

  • What do you want the user to do?
  • Why is it relevant?
  • How will it benefit them?

Take advantage of pinning other people's content, too.

As a business on Pinterest, you can pin content from other websites. In fact, this is the best way to maximize your influence on the platform: by repinning relevant and interesting content that your audience will want to see.

If you’re looking for inspiration, check out some of the top performing pins that are currently trending in your industry. You’ll be able to find examples of how other businesses have successfully used keywords, captions or image descriptions to attract valuable traffic back to their website or social media page.

Repin images from your own website/social media accounts

You can also repin images from any URL by adding it into “Pin It" as shown below:

Create a secret board for sharing content ideas with others on your team and for saving pictures as inspiration for later.

  • Create a secret board for sharing content ideas with others on your team.
  • Use it to save pictures as inspiration for later.
  • Share the secret board with your team members.
  • Create a board for each team member and share it with them individually so that you can all share content ideas, ask questions about each other's work and have a place to save images that might be useful in the future but don't fit into any current projects.

Use the platform to help you get ahead of upcoming holidays and seasonal changes.

While you're still getting started, the best thing to do is to look at the platform on a regular basis and see what kinds of pins are trending. This will help you get a feel for what kind of content people are looking for, so that when the time comes to upload your own pins, they'll be more likely to resonate with other users.

You can also use Pinterest as an opportunity to stay ahead of upcoming holidays and seasonal changes. When it's time for Christmas, upload some holiday-themed images! When spring rolls around, start planning now so that by mid-March you have spring/summer fashion ideas ready to go!

Use Pinterest analytics to see what's working and not working.

Pinterest is a great place to pin content that you find interesting, but it's also a great platform for creating your own visual content. You can use Pinterest analytics to see what's working and not working with the pins you've created.

  • Create a secret board

This is where you can share content ideas with others on your team, or simply save pictures as inspiration for later. You could also use this board as an archive of how far your business has come, so if someone asks what kind of work you do, you have plenty of examples to show them!

  • Get ahead of upcoming holidays and seasonal changes

Pinterest is a great way to get ahead of upcoming holidays and seasonal changes in general. It's easy for people who aren't in marketing or sales roles within a company to forget about these things until the last minute (or worse: after they've already passed) when there are still many months left before those events happen again—but Pinterest makes it easy by reminding everyone about these things from time-to-time throughout each year so there will always be plenty of time left before then happens again."

Image marketing can really help boost your business if you know what works best

Image marketing is a great way to market your business. 

It’s an incredibly effective way to get more traffic, social media followers and conversions. 

You can also use image marketing to help increase the sales of your products or services by showing off what they look like and how they are being used in real life situations.

If you want to learn how to use Pinterest for business, then this article is for you! 

Here we’re going to share some tips on how to create an account and start using it effectively for all things related towards marketing purposes.


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