How to use Youtube videos to promote your business


How to use Youtube videos to promote your business

I think any small business owner could start generating interest using for their company using free tools available in their phone’s camera and a free youtube account.

I also think that any ecommerce company can do the same, and it doesn’t matter what type of business you have, there are literally millions of combinations of ways to make, cut, shoot and experiment with videos that can turn into free marketing for you.

Create a compelling video that covers one topic really well.

  • Keep it short and sweet.
  • Organize the video well.
  • Make sure the content is easy to follow so that viewers feel engaged in what you're saying. This can be done by using transitions between points and creating a natural flow with your content, which will help people keep track of what you're saying without being too blunt or obvious about it (like having bullets on screen).
  • Be entertaining! Videos are more likely to go viral when they're funny, so make sure you have some jokes ready before taping your video just in case something funny happens during filming that could use some extra humor put into it later on down the line when editing takes place (like if someone falls off the chair during their presentation).
  • If possible, try not to include any mistakes because this might take away from how professional everything else seems about your company -- especially if there's no way around making those types of errors happen anyway such as having an audio issue while recording live footage on camera...or maybe even just forgetting something important while speaking off-camera? It doesn't matter what kind of mistake happens during this process; all that matters is whether or not people notice them at all because once they do see something wrong like this then they'll remember these details forever!

Have a hook, but don't give it all away.

You want to give the viewer a hook, but don't give everything away. You should be sure to include a strong call to action in the description of your video, as well as why they should watch it.

Also keep in mind that people's attention spans are shorter than ever before—a minute or less per video is ideal for marketing purposes. When creating this hook, try making it interesting and fun for people so they'll want to watch more of your content.

Optimize your video for SEO best practices.

This is the most important part of your video, so use these tips to get it right:

  • Make sure to title your video using keywords you want people to search for.
  • Include a description that explains what the video is about, but also includes your keywords.
  • Use tags that explain what the video is about and include some of those same keywords in them!

Encourage comments and respond to them in an encouraging and professional way.

It's important to respond to comments in a timely manner. This will reassure your audience that you care about their feedback and appreciate their participation on your channel.

You should also be prepared for negative comments, and try to respond in a positive way that doesn't make you appear defensive or overly sensitive.

If someone leaves a positive comment, let them know how much you appreciate their kind words!

Be sure to close out with a strong CTA.

When you're done, be sure to close out with a strong CTA. It should be clear what you want the viewer to do next, and it should also be easy for them to do so. When asking for an email address or phone number, for example, make sure that you provide an input field right alongside your call-to-action so they can enter it without having to click anywhere else. The more steps between them completing your request and hearing back from you about their response (or not), the less likely they are going to do what you ask—and the less likely they'll become a customer down the line!

Make sure whatever action item is directly in your control; don't ask for too much too soon. You might have heard that "the best time of day" or "the best day of week" is Monday morning at 8 am Eastern Time when everyone's fresh after a weekend binge watching YouTube videos all night long... but no matter where or when someone finds themselves watching one of our videos online today: if I'm trying out something new - say learning how to cook spaghetti carbonara - then there's no way I'm going near my stovetop until at least 10 pm tonight!

You can promote your business with great or hilarious Youtube videos

You can promote your business with great or hilarious Youtube videos. You should use a video to introduce yourself and your business, show off your products or services, answer questions, and show off the team that makes it all possible.


I’m not just an author, I’m an idea generation machine.


It’s because I read hundreds of books, articles and have done lots of different things, so I can see how to make interesting and innovative connections.


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