A Curious Place for a Gnome - a story


Gnome Curiosity



Gil was a curious gnome and loved to explore new places.


One day, he decided to sneak into the old abandoned house on the edge of town.


He had heard stories of the house being haunted, but he didn't believe in ghosts.


He climbed over the fence and made his way to the house.


He pushed open the door and went inside.


The house was dusty and cobwebby, but Gil was excited to explore.


He walked through the rooms and looked at all the old furniture.


He even climbed up to the attic to see what was up there.


But, as he was exploring, he didn't realize that the sun was setting and it was getting dark outside.


Suddenly, he heard a noise and he got scared.


He ran out of the house as fast as he could and climbed over the fence.


When he got home, his aunt was very angry with him.


She had been worried about him and didn't like the idea of him going into an old, abandoned house.


She scolded him and told him that he was not allowed to go there again.


Gil felt bad for getting in trouble and promised to never sneak into the old house again.


He learned that sometimes it's best to listen to the adults and not take unnecessary risks.


From that day on, Gil stayed away from the abandoned house and found other ways to explore and have fun.


He learned that it's important to be safe and listen to the rules to stay out of trouble.




Grab your copy of Gnome Away From Home - a collection of quirky life lessons


And don’t miss more Gnome Adventures in:




Check out more Night Guard Tales and get ready for The Boogeyman’s Curse!





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