#1 Best Seller How to LifeHack KDP Publishing Absolutely Free
Send my Free Book For Email Newsletters you can trust. As you know there are three steps to becoming a best selling author, Write it, Publish it, and Promote it. Sounds pretty simple, right? It is simple, but it's not always easy. Unless you have a map and a blueprint. They say a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learn's from another's. I've been both a fool and a wise man, especially when it comes to hacking KDP shortcuts. I wrote a book teaching you how to write your very own book in 14 days. I wrote a guide on how to publish your new book to KDP, and most important, I've written the Best Seller HOW TO LIFEHACK KDP Publishing and Dominate your Niche, so you make money from your book. I used this blueprint step by step to take 3 books to #1 in 3 different categories! And it's yours at no cost. Just click sign up for my newsletter below and I'll send you a pdf copy for free! I'll also share some boo...