
Showing posts from September, 2015

#1 Best Seller How to LifeHack KDP Publishing Absolutely Free

Send my Free Book For Email Newsletters you can trust. As you know there are three steps to becoming a best selling author, Write it, Publish it, and Promote it.  Sounds pretty simple, right?   It is simple, but it's not always easy.  Unless you have a map and a blueprint. They say a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learn's from another's.  I've been both a fool and a wise man, especially when it comes to hacking KDP shortcuts. I wrote a book teaching you how to write your very own book in 14 days.  I wrote a guide on how to publish your new book to KDP, and most important, I've written the Best Seller HOW TO LIFEHACK KDP Publishing and Dominate your Niche, so you make money from your book. I used this blueprint step by step to take 3 books to #1 in 3 different categories!   And it's yours at no cost.  Just click sign up for my newsletter below and I'll send you a pdf copy for free!  I'll also share some boo...

#1 Ranking in 3 Categories on Kindle for 3 books!

Like most authors, I have done a ton of writing over the years.  The unlucky part for me is that I like to write by hand with a pen and notebook, which means I have to spit it all out onto the blank page, and then turn around and type it up. I've tried writing at the typrewriter, and I can, but it lacks some of the emotional urgency that I think handwriting can.  Or maybe it's less sensual than the pen, and who on earth would think writing every genre BUT adult writing would be sensual. As I start type up, talk to text and hire out the thousands of pages of scribbled words, I keep running across little "gems" or stories I wrote a long time ago, but never followed up with.  What's a guy to do?  Dust 'em off, type 'em up and turn 'em into anthologies, or novellas or small ebooks and market them on Kindle. In the month of September, I put 5 new titles up on Kindle, which brings my total to 7.  In Sci Fi, I had a top 20 bestseller, and the sale...

The Pope, his story and how the world needs a LEADER with his reach

I'm watching Popemania running wild in news updates.  It's amazing the reach this man has, and how people respond to him.  One headline suggested Congress was in tears over his talk to politicians.  Which left me wondering: What would you say if you could reach a BILLION PEOPLE? Soem suggest the power of the Vatican is waning as the number of Catholics fall.  There are still a billion though, scattered in South America, Africa and across Western Europe.  And many of them listen to the Pope. My familiarity with Vatican politics extends just a little beyond the DA VINCI CODE and other conspiracy theories regarding suppression, oppression and commission throughout history.  Heck, I know for a fact that Pope Innocent had a couple hundred Templars rounded up, tortured and killed because he wanted their power and treasure.  When Popes team up with kings, it changes the world. There are so few Kings left that this Pope may find it hard to tag team a...

Goal Setting for Ultramarathon Training spills over to writing

Getting ready for the D100 (Daytona 100) an Ultramarathon on Nov 13 in FL. I have to train in the dark sometimes, because the Florida humidity is still thick.  Every time I go for a run after the sun goes down, I think about vampires.  I have yet to see one.  I have seen dozens of small animals, more snakes than I can count, and once a bear.  Ok, it was probably a chow dog about 1/4 a mile away, but it was dark and there was no bark, and my heart thumped like it was a bear. My last 100 mile race was in Key West, and I ran through the night then too.  It took me 30 hours to complete the 100 miles, and I was wiped out for days after.  I've approached my training a little different for this one, combining more strength training (imagine doing squats for hours at a time) and lower mileage with a concentration on speed.  I've also worked on speed walking to increase the turnover in my stride and move faster on walking breaks.  I've go...

I hit 1000 on Twitter!

Great news! I hit 1000 Twitter followers this week.  Thank you for anyone who started following me.  Here are a couple of things I noticed: There are a lot of tweets for books, or etsy, or classes, all designed to push me to buy.  I will when I'm ready, and I promise more of the same. It's kind of sad though: the combined reach of those 1000+ followers is over 3 Million!  Can you imagine what we could accomplish with 3 million people? We could raise 3 Million dollars for St. Jude's children's hospital. We could raise 30 Million selling tee shirts for Breast Cancer awareness. We could put $3 million in one author's account by buying their KDP book. That's what everyone is hoping to get right?  Expand your reach on Twitter and those folks will buy from you. Hopefully. Sure sure I know there's more to it than that.  Get them to read your post.  Get them to like you.  Get them to trust you. Get them to like your style, and want more. ...

Cuba Straits, Cuba Gooding and Cuba Libre

The only thing the three things have in common is Cuba! History happened this year when the US eased travel restrictions between the US and the island country ninety miles off the coast of Florida.  A trip to Cuba instantly shot to the top of my list.  While still expensive, the Cuba agenda will involve some time travel.  Turns out much of the country is stuck back in the 1950's. I would imagine progressive Cuban's hopped on a boat and tried to make it to Florida and the promise of a better life in Miami.  Those who remained have this sense of fatalism about what life is like on the island.  Things won't get better until the economy improves, and the economy is controlled by a Communist dictator. Which sounds a lot like an oxymoron, right?  Yes, we get most of ideas of Communism mixed up with Socialism, which is the worst case scenario of the have's having a lot and the have not's making due with what they got.  But hasn't this been the case pr...