Five years ago today, I biked down a volcano in Hawaii. It was the day after running a marathon, so I figured I’d be safe. It was mostly braking, some coasting, and trying not to fall 90% of the time. Still, it was a cool adventure. I car camped the night after, sleeping next to a beach as waves crashed on the shore. This morning, I wasn’t sure if I planned to even go outside. The temp was 17 when I woke up, and warmed all the way up to 29 when the sun peeked over the edge of the eastern horizon. That’s where it planned to stay, according to the professional liars who masqueraded as weathermen. I was reminded of my Hawaiian adventure by Facebook, who is kind enough to document my day with photo and post and even video, should I so choose. And then, forever, my adventures are etched into the interwebs, brought up once a year to remind me of what I once did. Or in this case, how awesome I was, just five short years ago. I’m too embarrassed to post today. What ...